
A mental health conscious app for friends. MoodMates, allows user to share their moods and be aware of their friends moods in order to propose activities that align with everyone's social battery.


Students struggle to socialize with others in ways that align with their personal boundaries and social battery. Its often said in college you will only get two things - a social life, good grades or sleep. Finding balance between all these things can be taxing on students mental health.


MoodMates focuses on students who struggle to find ways to socialize in environments that they are comfortable in. Our goal was to find a way to help these students, and allow them to socialize with others in ways that align with their mood and social battery. We help users communicate their moods and boundaries with their community in order to help them socialize and build community.

MVP -- React, JS, JSON + Python


Moodmates was a group project created by myself and three of my friends for our UI class. We used Balsamiq and slide shows to create low-fidelity prototypes. We used Wizard of Oz style testing to collect user data and refine our idea.

After a few rounds of testing with users we settled on our design and functionality requirements. We then created Figma mockups of Moodmates and began to code!

Utilizing Expo Go [react native sandbox] and Backendless [basic database hosting site] we created this minimum viable product. This project was presented to our class and earned an A as our final project.