Saucy Routes for Savvy Shoppers!
NoodleMaps make groccery shopping fast and easy. Find the perfect route to
never miss a deal and leave the groccery story with everything on your list.
Discover discounts and new products, try new dishes and make cooking easier!
Grocery shopping is hard. Aisles swap, inventory rotates, and time and money are wasted. Shoppers, new and old face the same issues of efficiency in the store. Good luck finding all your gorccery list items at the best price, with your prefered brand, without getting lost in the store or wandring the aisles.
Noodle Maps is your groccery shopping personal assitant. Noodle Maps creates the perfect groccery store route for you to pick up everything on your list. Noodle Maps suggests store deals and uses AR and AI to help you locate items and generate recipes based on your groccery list.
Project Details
Innovation & Design Lab 24'
The goals of this projects were:
- Develop on original idea
- Delv into visual design
- Create an MVB [minimal viable brand]
- Create a pitch deck
Pitch Deck
Pitch Deck
As part of our final project we piched our idea to our professor and class. We highlighted features, user senarios, GUI outlines, alignemnt with social and tech treds, economic benefits, an overlook of the competitive landscape and our revenue model.